Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Belimbing Manis (2)

Jaga Kadar Kolesterol

Kolesterol adalah sejenis senyawa sterol (gabungan antara senyawa steroid dengan alkohol) dan lemak yang ditemukan dalam membran sel di semua jaringan tubuh. Kolesterol secara normal diproduksi dalam tubuh dan mempunyai banyak fungsi penting.
Fungsi-fungsi kolesterol antara lain membuat membran sel mempunyai derajat kekentalan tertentu,sehingga dapat bertahan pada berbagai rentang suhu,berfungsi sebagai antioksidan,membantu metabolisme vitamin-vitamin yang larut dalam lemak (vitamin A,D,E dan K)
Selain itu merupakan prekusor dalam pembentukan vitamin D dan hormon-hormon steroid (termasuk di dalamnya hormon progesteron,estrogen dan testosteron). Dalam tubuh,kolesterol ditransportasikan melalui plasma darah dengan cara berikatan dengan protein. Ikatan ini disebut lipoprotein.
Ada dua jenis lipoprotein. Pertama,Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL,bertugas mengirimkan kolesterol kedalam jaringan-jaringan tubuh yang memerlukan. Kedua,High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) bertugas untuk mengambil kelebihan kolesterol dalam tubuh.
Dalam kadar yang normal,kolesterol sangatlah membantu tubuh kita untuk menjaga dalam kondisi sehat. Permasalahan terjadi apabila kadarnya menjadi tidak seimbang dan berlebihan. Keadaan ini dapat terjadi karena kegemukan,merokok,minum alkohol,gagal hati,diabetes dan hipertensi.
Seperti banyak penyakit yang terjadi,hiperkolesterolimia (kelebihan kolesterol) dapat diatasi dengan melakukan perubahan gaya hidup. Misalnya berhenti merokok,berhenti minum minuman beralkohol,olah raga teratur dan makan makanan dengan komposisi yang baik.
Belimbing manis bermanfaat bagi kesehatan termasuk untuk menjaga kadar kolesterol dalam darah. Hal ini dikarenakan belimbing manis mengandung pektin,natrium,kalium,vitamin C,vitamin B2,fosfor,serat dan zat besi.
Ada tips herbal untuk menjaga kadar kolesterol dalam darah,yakni sediakan buah belimbing manis yang sudah masak secukupnya. Cuci bersih,lalu dibuat jus atau minuman segar dengan cara diblender. Atau belimbing manis yang sudah masak langsung disantap sebagai buah pencuci mulut. Read More...

World Diamond Price is Match with Rapaport Table

World diamond prices turns out there is the default.

If we read the magazine Rapaport then we will get information on world diamond prices, because in every magazine is published always slipped a diamond price list.

Price is the price of diamonds is a diamond in the U.S. or diamond prices in Europe. to get our diamond price list can be downloaded at its web http://www.rapaport.com but we will be charged.

But if we want to download with free price, there are still many sites that provide tables of diamonds diamond prices like that but the issue is not new or months have passed. However, because the price of diamonds is relatively stable so although old copies can still be used.

In general, the price of diamonds in America or in Europe or other overseas prices are generally more expensive than the price in Indonesia. There are several reasons why the price of diamonds in Indonesia cheaper?

1. Indonesia is a producer of diamonds

2. purchasing power is still relatively low in Indonesia

3. Diamond demand in the country also include relatively low, so do not be surprised if you buy a diamond outside the country but when they will sell it back in Indonesia was only offered half of the purchase price in America.

Rapaport we attach the following table, as your guide in buying diamonds. In reading the table Rapaport need special skills, not everyone can read it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Knowing About American Diamond

In this article we will review about the known american diamonds. WHY AMERICAN DIAMOND?

This gem like Diamond, because it's made for that purpose, their sheen very bright, this is caused by a very high refractive index. Although this brilliant jewel sheen is very bright,but their price is very cheap because their numbers very much. American Diamond called zircons, their chemical formula ZrO2. The Mohs hardness is reached 8.3.

Diamond differentiate VERY EASY with AMERICAN DIAMOND
1. Diamond does not react with the selector, the indicator light does not go up and not sound like a diamond.

2. Rainbow colors are more numerous and obvious, it is easier to distinguish.

3. Incised with a diamond needle test will also be easily scratched.

4. because the price is cheap eats lots on the market.

5. Zircon Colors vary, almost all the colors there.

Monday, May 10, 2010

How To Take Care A diamond Ring?

Diamonds are usually have a relatively expensive price was very liked by the wearer. These diamonds are also used in wear necklaces, bracelets, pendants and most often used is a diamond ring. This diamond ring is usually used by people as a wedding ring
Therefore, a diamond wedding ring became one of the favorites of young couples to declare their faithful love. Many young couples who dream of the most beautiful moments in life that their ring fingers can be equipped with a diamond ring. A prayer for the permanence of marriage. Unfortunately, time also eroded the glittering ring. Perhaps it is because you are paying less attention to maintenance.

HOW ARE TREATING Diamond Wedding Ring.

1. Be careful of wearing the ring. Diamond is a hard material but they are easily cracked so it needs to be careful in using it. Take off the rings on when you perform activities that could affect the quality of the ring such as changing the oil in the car, climbing trees, and others.

2. At the time of exercise is better you let go of the ring, especially sports that involve a lot of hands like volleyball, basketball. Hold the tennis racquet is also unfavorable for diamond rings that are decorated around it.

3. At the moment you release the swim better ring. Existing chlorine in pool water can change the color of diamonds. Also if you swim in cold water, will cause you to shrink because of the cold finger and the possibility of ring you can release.

4. When cleaning your house better ring removed. Soap and other cleaning will be able to tarnish the ring. It would be better if you remove the ring while washing clothes because the detergent will diminish the glow of your diamond.

5. When gardening is better to release the ring. Chances are you could damage the diamond when gardening.

6. Cooking is a joy most women. You need to remember seasoning dishes used will be able to form a hard coating on the ring is removed.

7. Lotion, sunscreen, hairspray, perfume used can also diminish or change the color of your diamond your diamond. Take off the ring if you would spread the material. And do not use the ring when I'm manicure.

When you see a stain on the ring, wash immediately with soap and water to soak for several minutes until last night. Can also wash the rings in a mixture of water and ammonia are similar in composition to many. But be careful when using the mixture. Do not wash a colored stone and porous in the solution. You can also bring a ring to the jewelers to be washed and checked the form, at least once a year.